The 2024 high school graduation exam results were surprising when 19 candidates scored 29.75 points in group C (Literature, History, Geography). Of which, Bac Ninh accounted for 13 top candidates in group C nationwide.
According to VietNamNet's analysis of exam score data published by the Ministry of Education and Training, Bac Ninh has a very high number of Literature exam scores of 9.5 or higher.
Explaining this, a representative of the Department of Education and Training of Bac Ninh said that for the subject of Literature, the Department of Education and Training has organized two conferences to guide the organization of teaching and learning, build a review question bank, analyze the structure and matrix of Literature questions in recent years to determine the knowledge and skills that need to be equipped for students.
The Department also organized 25 working conferences with high schools, high school clusters, continuing education centers, and vocational education centers to evaluate the results of implementing solutions to improve the quality of the 2024 high school graduation exam.
A representative of the Department of Education and Training of Bac Ninh province said that the province also ranked 5th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide in terms of average high school graduation exam score with 7.21 points. This position is similar to 2023 and increased by 1 rank compared to 2022.
According to this representative, many strong subjects continue to maintain a stable position in the top 10 nationwide in terms of average scores over the years.
Specifically, Physics ranked 2nd (equal to 2023); Mathematics ranked 3rd (up 4 places compared to 2023); History ranked 6th (down 1 place compared to 2023); Chemistry ranked 6th (up 2 places compared to 2023); Geography ranked 7th (up 4 places compared to 2023); Foreign Language ranked 8th (equal to 2023); Literature ranked 8th (down 1 place compared to 2023).
Ranking of traditional exam blocks: Block A, A1 ranked 2nd; Block B ranked 10th; Block C, D1 ranked 5th nationwide.
According to the representative of the Department of Education and Training of Bac Ninh province, at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, the provincial education sector has implemented Plan 73 on improving the quality of the high school graduation exam (year 4). High schools, continuing education centers, and vocational education centers have developed a plan to review the high school graduation exam, focusing on the assignment of expertise, prioritizing teachers with good expertise to teach grade 12; developing a plan to test, evaluate, classify students, and a review plan suitable for each group of subjects.
The Department of Education and Training also established a provincial Steering Committee and a team of provincial core teachers to implement Plan 73. The whole province was divided into 8 professional clusters, organizing 12 thematic activities, creating conditions for teachers teaching grade 12 to exchange and learn experiences. The Department of Education and Training organized 10 conferences to analyze, evaluate and discuss solutions to improve the quality of 9 exam subjects.
After the Ministry of Education and Training issued a set of reference questions for the 2024 high school graduation exam, the Department of Education and Training organized the development of a system of questions and review topics, and as a result, 261 review questions were deployed.
The Department has also implemented online review sessions from May 15 to June 26 for students across the province. Students who achieved high scores in the high school graduation mock exams were directly trained by the provincial core teachers to review the final stage to improve their exam scores towards the top positions in the traditional exam groups.
2024 is the third consecutive year that Bac Ninh province has had a national valedictorian in block C; 2 runner-ups in block D1; 2 candidates ranked 3rd and 4th in block A nationwide.
The number of candidates taking the C block exam to graduate from high school with scores of 28 or more increased 10 times last year.
Director of Tra Vinh Department of Education and Training talks about Literature score increasing 49 levels, ranking 2nd in the country
For every 10 candidates in Bac Ninh, 1 student scored 9.5 points in Literature in the 2024 High School Graduation Exam.
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