Besides socio-economic development, Ba Che district always pays attention to the protection of natural resources and environment, associated with the prevention, control and remediation of environmental pollution in the area.

With the viewpoint of taking environmental protection (EP) and people's health as the top priority, Ba Che district enhances the role of Party committees at all levels, heads of Party committees, authorities, and specialized agencies in environmental protection management. In April 2024, the Executive Committee of the Ba Che District Party Committee issued Resolution No. 11-NQ/HU on strengthening the Party's leadership in resource management, Environmental protection , disaster prevention and mitigation associated with protecting the Ba Che River for the period 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030.
On the basis of common goals Environmental protection , minimizing the impact of natural disasters, droughts, floods and improving the quality of water resources, focusing on protecting the water resources of Ba Che River, the district has identified 6 specific groups of tasks, focusing on the following contents: Strengthening the leadership, direction and implementation of Party committees and authorities at all levels; improving the capacity of management and implementation of planning, plans, programs and projects for infrastructure development, socio-economic development associated with environmental protection; focusing on measures to control the quality of existing environment; strengthening the protection of water resources and improving the quality of water resources of Ba Che River; Environmental protection associated with building new rural areas, civilized urban areas and improving the effectiveness of propaganda work, promoting the role of supervision and criticism of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations.
At the same time, the district promotes propaganda and dissemination of the Party and State's policies and laws on environmental protection to the people and businesses in many forms, so that everyone has a clear and full awareness of their responsibility for the task of green and sustainable growth.
Above Based on local practical conditions, Ba Che continues to resolutely direct the concretization of Resolution No. 10-NQ/TU dated September 26, 2022 of the Provincial Party Committee on strengthening the Party's leadership in resource management, environmental protection, natural disaster prevention and mitigation, climate change response, and ensuring water security for the period 2022-2030. The district directs the effective management and operation of 7 centralized waste treatment areas, 8 waste collection and transfer points in 6 communes and villages, and 160 collection pits for hazardous waste such as packaging and bottles containing pesticides in people's production areas to ensure environmental protection in residential areas .

Ba Che has directed and propagated to people in all communes and villages to classify household waste at source, up to now 2,732/5,618 households (reaching 48.63%). Strengthen and maintain 25 models of recycling organic matter, agricultural by-products (composting organic fertilizer) in 8/8 communes and towns, with a scale of 1 centralized composting location, 304 pits and 524 bins of organic waste collected from production and daily activities of households, with a total of 829 members participating. Direct and mobilize households raising livestock from small to medium scale to have a collection and treatment system to ensure the environment; focus on planting trees, large trees along roads, rivers and streams and water source areas to ensure water security.
Since the beginning of the year, Ba Che has completed repairing, upgrading and putting into use centralized clean water projects: Clean water system in Dong Loong, Dong Tien and Thanh Lam villages; Khe 10 lake water treatment station; Khe Long and Thanh Son lake water treatment station; clean water systems in Tau Tien, Khe Man, Lang Cong and Lang Cang villages (Don Dac commune); domestic water systems in Khe Na and Khe Put villages (Thanh Son commune). Started construction of a new clean water supply project in Nam Son commune. The rate of rural residents using clean water according to standards increased from 54.6% to 72%, an increase of 17.4 percentage points compared to 2022 (an increase of 778 households). Synchronously deploying solutions to provide clean water to people; the rate of households using hygienic domestic water reached 99.9%.

At the same time, Ba Che promotes propaganda and mobilizes people to develop large-scale timber plantations, native trees and medicinal plants, aiming to turn forestry into a key economic sector, as well as create sustainable livelihoods for people, greening bare hills and mountains to protect water resources and the living environment. On average, each year the district plants more than 3,300 hectares of new forest, with a forest coverage rate of 72.2%, making Ba Che the leading locality in the province in forest development. In 2024, according to the plan, Ba Che district will plant 3,500 hectares of forest, including 200 hectares of large timber forest. In the first 6 months of 2024, Ba Che planted over 3,200 hectares of forest, an increase of 14% over the same period in 2023. Of which, the area of large timber forest plantation reached 130.8 hectares, reaching nearly 65% of the plan, native trees were planted on 240 hectares out of a plan of 300 hectares and especially local key trees such as acacia have so far been planted on 2,700 hectares out of a plan of 2,950 hectares.
At the same time, Ba Che district also strengthens inspection and timely handling of violations of environmental protection laws and illegal mining and transportation of minerals.
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