From February 18 to 21, 2025, Apollo Silicone's Chairman and representatives of the Top 10 Distributors made a special visit to the ShinEtsu Factory Complex in Thailand. The "ShinEtsu Factory Tour 2025" journey is not only an important milestone in the cooperation between the two businesses, but also demonstrates Apollo Silicone's strong commitment to the "Go Green" sustainable development strategy.

ShinEtsu factory complex in Thailand - the world's leading silicone manufacturing complex

Located in the largest industrial park in Thailand, the 100-hectare ShinEtsu Factory Complex - one of the most advanced silicone manufacturing complexes in the world with an investment cost of more than 500 million USD, owns a system connecting the seaport to the factory by 8km of underground pipeline to optimize the supply chain and ensure the quality of input materials along with two core production complexes.

That is the Asia Silicones Monomer (ASM) factory - one of the leading silicone monomer and polymer raw material production facilities in the region, providing high-quality raw materials to global partners, including Apollo Silicone.

Along with that is the ShinEtsu Silicones (Thailand) Limited (SEST) factory that produces finished silicone. Especially in 2024, to realize the sustainable development strategy, ShinEtsu invested 700 million USD to expand research and production of green silicone materials according to carbon neutral and carbon traceability standards ISO 14067. Accordingly, the first batch of products shipped is exclusively for Apollo Silicone's Apollo Green Sealant A300 product.

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Apollo Silicone President and representative distributor visit ShinEtsu factory invested in green silicone production according to ISO 14067 carbon neutral and carbon traceability standard (Carbon FootPrint). Source: Apollo Silicone

According to Apollo Silicone representative, Apollo Silicone optimizes the value chain through strategic cooperation with the world's leading suppliers with the largest scale in the industry such as Dow Chemical (USA) and ShinEtsu (Japan).

For 22 years, ShinEtsu has supplied 100% of premium silicone materials to Apollo Silicone, ensuring quality and technological innovation. In addition to Thailand, ShinEtsu has also expanded its investment in Korea and re-operated its factory at Gunma Complex Isobe Plant (Japan) to ensure global supply, with Thailand being the strategic hub for supplying raw materials to Apollo Silicone in Vietnam.

Apollo Silicone representative emphasized: “In Vietnam, Apollo Silicone has developed a strong market, becoming the first choice of millions of consumers and businesses. With a nationwide distribution network, Apollo Silicone meets all needs from civil works to large-scale construction projects. One of the factors that creates success is product quality - guaranteed by high-quality materials from ShinEtsu”.

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Source: Apollo Silicone

Specialized silicone glue products for glass and weather sealant are optimized based on raw materials from ShinEtsu, suitable for the climate and usage needs in Vietnam.

Accompanying ShinEtsu to implement the "Go Green" strategy

In the context of the world shifting to green technology and reducing carbon emissions, Apollo Silicone pioneers the implementation of the "Go Green" strategy.

With the "Go Green" strategy, Apollo Silicone aims to provide silicone sealant products that are not only high quality but also environmentally friendly. One of the important steps is the launch of Apollo Green Sealant A300, the world's first silicone sealant with raw materials meeting ISO 14067 carbon neutral and carbon traceability standards with raw materials from ShinEtsu, helping to optimize performance, reduce environmental impact and protect sustainable construction.

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From left to right: Mr. Masahiro Okano - General Director of Sales & Marketing, ShinEtsu, Mr. Naoki Omura - Executive Director of Sustainable Development, ShinEtsu, Mr. Ngo Quoc Cuong - Chairman of Apollo Silicone, Mr. Akihito Tsukuno - Chairman of SEST & Asia Silicone Monomer. Photo: Apollo Silicone

According to Apollo Silicone, in cooperation with ShinEtsu, the company is applying the "Win-Win-Win" business principle towards sustainable development. From long-term cooperation, investment in green technology, quality control and expansion of production scale, Apollo Silicone's customers will have access to international quality products, using green building materials for sustainable development goals.

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Apollo Silicone and ShinEtsu have been working together for more than 22 years, constantly updating trends, aiming for a sustainable development future. Source: Apollo Silicone

“The ShinEtsu factory tour not only helps Apollo's customers and distributors understand the green value chain that the company is pursuing, but also creates strong belief in Apollo Silicone's sustainable development journey, where each product not only ensures quality but also contributes to the global green construction trend, especially in Vietnam with the Government's commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050", Apollo Silicone representative shared.

Bich Dao