Tragicomedy - Colors That Make Up Life is the third work written in Vietnamese by Westerner Jesse Peterson after more than 10 years living in Vietnam.
Author Jesse Peterson (middle) and journalist Nguyen Van Tien Hung (Tuoi Tre Cuoi - right cover) - Photo: HO LAM
On the morning of November 26, at Ho Chi Minh City Book Street, there was an exchange and book launch of Comedy and Tragicomedy - Colors That Make Up Life by Canadian authorJesse Peterson.
A familiar pen to Vietnamese readers
Readers know Jesse Peterson through his satirical social commentary and skits on Tuoi Tre Cuoi, VnExpress and as a host of street food shows on several TV channels.
He has lived in Vietnam for more than ten years and has an endless passion for writing in Vietnamese.
In his literary career, Jesse has published two books: Jesse Laughs and the Funny Adventure (2018); It's Too Funny Here, Sorry, I Can't Laugh (2019) .
The Canadian writer's book has attracted the attention of Vietnamese readers and was quickly reprinted after publication.
Tragicomedy - Colors That Make Up Life is a satirical collection of stories, written by Jesse from 2019 to 2022.
He said the work was born out of sympathy for young people living and working far from home.
He said: "Jesse wrote the book with the desire to share experiences, ways to rise up, overcome circumstances, conquer oneself, with humility, patience and full of faith in life.
Stay with the positive humor like Jesse has tried to create the stand-up comedy group. You will find for yourself the passion for life, the optimism to conquer the difficult challenges in the world and achieve your goals and ideals in life."
Before the exchange, Jesse hoped the audience would sympathize because he had only learned Vietnamese for... 10 years, the author admitted that he spoke like a "newcomer from the countryside". The "Westerner's" sense of humor made the participants laugh.
In addition to writing for newspapers and books, Jesse Peterson is currently an English teacher - Photo: HO LAM
Jesse's Dream Come True
In the new book, with his rich life experience, Jesse spreads positive energy by recalling the jobs he has done such as teaching, writing, translating, performing stand-up comedy, MC, making documentary films...
As a satirical collection , Tragicomedy - Colors that Make Up Life not only brings laughter, but also contains thoughts about the meaning of life.
In some stories, the author used seemingly unrelated details to create a satirical article.
According to Jesse, as long as we can laugh at our own ridiculousness, and then at the unexpected things happening in society, we will be able to overcome difficult times.
Through the nearly 500-page book, Jesse also conveys the message of self-study and applying foreign languages to life. Regarding the spirit that young people need to have, the "Western man" thinks that the young generation needs to be optimistic and strong to integrate into many environments.
"Jesse doesn't dare to promise in advance, but Jesse will constantly strive to produce new and better books and act like a true Vietnamese person. That has always been Jesse's real dream, up to this moment," Jesse "revealed" about the upcoming journey.
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