Replacing red meat and processed meat with dairy, vegetables, fatty fish and beans helps reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.
Colorectal cancer occurs in both men and women but is more common in men. People over 50 years old, people with diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, colon polyps are more likely to get this type of cancer.
Making healthy lifestyle changes, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding exposure to toxic substances, and choosing healthy foods can help reduce your risk of disease.
Below are foods that should be prioritized or limited to prevent colorectal cancer.
Should eat
Milk Rich in calcium, helps increase resistance, is beneficial for overall health, and reduces the risk of colorectal cancer. Using foods rich in vitamin D or vitamin D supplements with milk helps increase the ability to fight this type of cancer.
Whole grains are rich in nutrients, providing magnesium and fiber that are beneficial to the body. Fiber keeps stool moving and can pull cancer-causing compounds out of the rectum. A person can eat about 90 grams of whole grains per day, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread or brown rice. Vary the types and preparation methods to avoid boredom.
Beans such as soybeans, peas, lentils are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins B and E. Flavonoids in beans help prevent tumor growth. Beans also contain some antioxidants that can protect the digestive system, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. Beans can be used in soups, teas, stews with broth.
Colorful fruits and vegetables are also included in the group of foods that should be eaten to prevent colorectal cancer. They contain natural substances (phytochemicals) that help prevent the growth of cancer cells and fight inflammation that can easily lead to cancer.
Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber and vitamins are part of a healthy diet. Some cruciferous vegetables should be prioritized, including kale, broccoli, cabbage and fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges and grapefruit.
Fruit salad is good for health. Photo: Anh Chi
Fatty fish like salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health and slow the growth of cancer cells. In addition to eating fish, you should reduce red meat and processed meat and increase green vegetables and fruits. Limit fish high in mercury such as swordfish, tuna, tilefish, and mackerel because they can be harmful to your health.
Should be limited
Red meat such as beef, pork, lamb increases the risk of colorectal cancer. Haem, which gives meat its red pigment, can weaken cells, allowing bacteria to produce toxic substances that lead to cancer.
The risk of cancer increases if red meat is cooked at high temperatures, heavily seasoned and goes through many processing steps.
You should eat less than 500g of red meat per week, prioritizing fresh dishes that are minimally processed and marinated.
Processed meats , including sausages, hot dogs, bacon, and ham, are heavily salted, chemically preserved, and subjected to multiple processing steps. These processes cause nitrites to convert into carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds or NOCs. Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic amines (PCAs) produced when meat is cooked at high temperatures can also damage the intestines, increasing the risk of colorectal cancer.
Regularly drinking more than two to three drinks a day increases the risk of the disease by 40%. According to WebMD , drinking an occasional glass of wine does not seem to affect the risk of colorectal cancer.
Anh Chi (According to WebMD )
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