Danish researchers claim a plant-based diet has the same effect as statin drugs - preventing clogged arteries and reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke, according to the Daily Mail.
Vegetarianism can significantly reduce cholesterol and fat levels in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Study author Dr Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, professor of clinical medicine at the University of Copenhagen, said a vegetarian diet was one-third as effective as a cholesterol-lowering pill called a statin. She explained that this was “really important”.
Scientists at Rigshospitalet Hospital, University of Copenhagen, analyzed 30 trials, including more than 2,000 participants.
Results showed that people on the plant-based diet had an average 7% reduction in total cholesterol compared to when they started the study. LDL cholesterol also dropped by 10% and apoB (a protein that helps transport fat and cholesterol in the blood) dropped by 14%.
Researchers estimate that eating it for five years will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 7%, and in 15 years it can reduce the risk by a fifth.
Professor Frikke-Schmidt said: This is equivalent to a third of the effect of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, so it is really significant, according to the Daily Mail.
Expert advice on eating plants
Professor Frikke-Schmidt urges people who are taking statins to not stop taking them if they follow a plant-based diet.
Statins are used to treat high levels of "bad" cholesterol, prevent hardening and narrowing of the arteries, and prevent heart disease. They work by reducing the production of this type of cholesterol in the liver.
Statins are superior at reducing fat and cholesterol levels, so combining statins with a plant-based diet may have a synergistic effect, providing even greater benefits, says Ms. Frikke-Schmidt.
Vegetarian diet achieves 1/3 the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering drugs - statins
Tracy Parker, senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation in Birmingham, said: “This study supports previous research showing that eating more plant-based foods is good for the heart. In particular, the earlier you start eating them, the greater the benefits.
Dietitian Duane Mellor, senior lecturer at Aston University Medical School in Birmingham, UK, notes that vegans should plan well to ensure they get enough iron, iodine, vitamin B12 and vitamin D.
If you find it difficult to be a vegetarian, try the Mediterranean diet, which focuses mainly on fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and fish, with fewer eggs, low-fat dairy, and very little meat, advises Parker.
This diet has been shown to promote heart health and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
There is considerable evidence that this type of eating can help reduce the risk of heart disease and circulatory problems by improving cholesterol and blood pressure levels, reducing inflammation and controlling blood sugar.
Professor Frikke-Schmidt herself admits that she eats mostly plant-based foods with some chicken and fish.
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