The life2vec system was developed after collecting data from more than 1 million volunteers participating in a study in Denmark from 2008 to 2020. The data collected included education level, health status, medical records, job characteristics, and happiness level.
Life2vec then used algorithms to predict whether any of the volunteers aged 35-65 would die in 2020. The predictions were up to 79% accurate.
Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) have created a new AI system that can predict someone's lifespan and when they will die. Illustration:
Dr. Sune Lehman, Head of the DTU Research Team, said that the life2vec system considers human life as a long chain of events. From there, the AI model will analyze and chain these events to predict the events that will happen next, including the time a person dies.
Note that the life2vec AI model can only predict lifespan and when a person will die from natural causes or disease, it cannot predict accidental deaths.
The question is whether anyone would be willing to let AI predict their time of death, because if they knew their death was coming, they would have to go through a stressful and burdensome life.
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