By the morning of January 8, 9 districts, towns and cities in Hai Duong province had completed the election of village and residential area chiefs.
In Binh Giang, Cam Giang, Kim Thanh, Nam Sach, Ninh Giang, Thanh Mien districts, there are 1-2 villages and residential areas that could not elect village or residential area chiefs after 2 elections.
The Chairman of the Commune People's Committee has decided to appoint a temporary village or residential area chief to manage the activities of the village or residential area until a new village or residential area chief is elected.
3 localities have not completed the election of village and residential area chiefs. Of which, Hai Duong city has elected 205 village and residential area chiefs, only some villages in Tien Tien commune and 1 area in Hai Tan ward have not yet organized. In Tu Ky and Thanh Ha districts, some communes have not yet organized the election of village and residential area chiefs and will organize it in January.
In the first time organized under Decree 59/2023/ND-CP dated August 14, 2023 detailing a number of articles of the Law on Democracy Implementation at Grassroots Level, many localities encountered difficulties because many community meetings did not ensure the attendance of more than 50% of family representatives.
Hai Duong City is the locality that organized the election of the most village and residential area chiefs for the first time at a community meeting in the province. Only 8/205 villages and residential areas had to organize the distribution of ballots to collect opinions from each household.
In the province, there are some villages and residential areas where two people run for election, but after they are not elected, both people withdraw and the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee appoints a temporary village or residential area chief. There are cases where a village chief is elected but later submits a resignation letter (this person has a petition from a voter).
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