According to Tech Unwrapped , one of the main problems of any computer is the Google Chrome browser. This software requires a lot of the computer's RAM and fills it up quickly. If you use Chrome with 10 tabs open and use the Task Manager in Windows, you will see the RAM consumption at times up to 80%.
If you use Windows 11 and do a lot of multitasking, you should increase your RAM to at least 16 GB.
Not only that, Windows Defender typically consumes 200-300 MB of memory to monitor system security. Steam typically consumes around 100 MB of memory in the background. This is not to mention peripheral management software and other side applications that can consume up to 1 GB of system memory.
About 2-3 years ago, when building a PC system, many people were advised to install a minimum of 8 GB of RAM and if the budget allowed, upgrade to 16 GB. At that time, they were not as cheap as they are now.
Now, when building a computer with less than 16 GB of RAM and if the budget allows, it would be ideal to equip it with 32 GB of RAM. But why is that? There are many different factors, but here are some important reasons why people should increase the RAM in their machines.
First is the Windows 11 operating system. Although Microsoft says that at least 4 GB of memory is required for the system, in reality, for Windows 11 to run smoothly, 8 GB is the required level. This operating system can consume up to 20% of the system memory for all its functions. So having less than 16 GB of RAM for Windows 11 is really a mistake.
Second, if the main browser is still Google Chrome, users need to know that it uses a lot of system RAM. Although Google has taken measures to reduce system memory consumption, it is still not enough. For peace of mind, choose 16 GB RAM.
Another factor is gaming. AAA games these days require as little as 16GB of RAM. Many people might think that the graphics card and VRAM are important, but the graphics card can actually save textures to RAM if needed.
RAM prices may increase in about 6 months
Also, we can’t forget about applications like Photoshop, Premiere, and any other editing software or similar. For these types of applications, 16 GB is not even enough. It is recommended to use them on a PC with a minimum of 32 GB of RAM, but preferably no less than 64 GB.
Expanding the RAM of your system is no longer a difficult process, especially with desktop computers. If you have a laptop, the job may take a little longer in disassembling the machine, of course if the system does not use soldered RAM.
If you want to add more memory to your system, now is a good time because prices are low. Experts say RAM prices could rise around late 2023 or early 2024.
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