Eating too fast, too much, snacking instead of main meals, skipping protein affects digestion, making women gain weight easily.
Eating habits can have a significant impact on health. Women should be aware of unhealthy eating habits to protect their health and prevent disease.
Stand while eating
Standing while eating can cause blood to pool in the legs, reducing blood flow to the intestines. This slows down digestion, leading to bloating and flatulence. People who eat while standing also tend to eat faster, get distracted easily, and eat uncontrollably, leading to weight gain.
Eating too much at night
Eating late at night, right before bedtime, can increase stress and disrupt sleep. Eat a small, low-calorie meal about two hours before bedtime. Avoid caffeinated beverages, alcohol, tea, chocolate, or hot spices close to bedtime.
Skip the protein
Protein helps women maintain firmness and increase muscle strength as they enter middle age. Sources of protein include milk, yogurt, oatmeal, whole grains, lean meat, eggs, tofu, salmon, and tuna.
Not getting enough calcium, vitamin D
Vitamin D and calcium slow down bone loss, maintain bone strength, and prevent fractures and infections. The recommended intake for women is 600 IU of vitamin D and 1000-1300 mg of calcium per day. Foods rich in calcium include milk, dairy products, and green vegetables. Vitamin D is found in egg yolks, salmon, herring, and sardines.
Eating without a plan
Busy work and taking care of children make women eat irregularly. Foods that help them reduce hunger such as cakes and fast food contain a lot of calories and few healthy nutrients. Fruits, vegetables, and yogurt are low in calories, high in fiber and vitamins, and are healthy choices, suitable for lighter meals.
Eating cakes is high in calories and low in healthy nutrients. Photo: Freepik
Long-term calorie reduction
Prolonged low-calorie diets increase the risk of hormonal disorders. People who lose weight by cutting calories have the ability to inhibit pituitary hormones, while this hormone maintains stable estrogen levels in the body. Women should adjust their diet to ensure their body receives enough nutrients to maintain health.
Snacking instead of meals
Snacking makes the body take longer to release hormones that regulate blood sugar, increasing stress. Maintain main meals or prioritize fiber-rich foods such as broccoli, sweet potatoes, fruits... to increase the feeling of fullness for a long time, without cravings.
Eat too fast
Eating too quickly can cause the brain to not catch up with the stomach. The brain can signal that it is full about 15-20 minutes later than usual. This leads to eating more than necessary, making it easy to gain weight and become obese. To slow down, take smaller bites and chew thoroughly. Drinking water during meals can increase the feeling of fullness.
Bao Bao (According to Eat This Not That )
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