According to Harvard Medical School (USA), experts estimate that about 25% of lifespan is determined by genetics, but the remaining 75% is mainly due to how we take care of our bodies.
Here are some factors that can prolong life.
Regular exercise will help you live longer.
According to American longevity expert Buettner, exercise is the key to health and longevity. The world's longest-lived people don't necessarily go to the gym every day, but they are active all day long. People in the Blue Zones - areas of the world known for their longevity - don't think about health, diet or exercise. They simply go about their daily activities.
Lifestyle habits make a significant difference in longevity
Prioritize sleep
Sleep expert Dr. Virend Somers (USA) said that sleep affects every aspect of health, including longevity. During sleep, the brain and body perform many important tasks for overall health... Sleep has many functions at every biological level.
Try intermittent fasting
This type of eating has significant health benefits. Longevity expert Sergey Young, working in the US, shares that: Clinical data shows that intermittent fasting - meaning eating meals within 8-10 hours, can improve insulin levels, cholesterol and blood pressure... He suggests starting with the 16:8 intermittent fasting regimen - meaning fasting overnight for 16 consecutive hours and only eating within 8 hours, for example from 8am to 4pm.
Intermittent fasting is also beneficial for health
Maintain a healthy weight
Don't let your weight creep up over the years. A study by Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (USA) that included 6,200 people over 8 years found that the healthiest people were those who maintained an ideal body mass index.
Limit sweets
Experts warn that added sugar is bad for your health and can shorten your lifespan. To reduce your sugar intake, stay away from processed foods and sweets, says Young.
Eat up to 80% full
Eat lots of whole foods and stop eating when you’re 80% full. This is an incredibly healthy diet, says preventive medicine expert David Katz, past president of the American Academy of Lifestyle Medicine. It’s mostly plant-based, with a balanced, sensible diet, according to Best Life.
Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking
Of course, if you do all of the above well but still don't reduce alcohol and quit smoking, how can you live long?
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