Here are some rules to follow that can help you stay healthy and safe in the bathroom, according to the Times of India.
Don't forget to wash your hands
One of the most basic rules is to wash your hands properly. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet. When using the toilet, use toilet paper to wipe and ensure proper hygiene. Dispose of used paper in a covered bin to avoid spreading germs. This can significantly reduce the transmission of harmful bacteria and viruses.
Keep surface clean and dry
Maintaining proper hygiene in the bathroom is important to prevent illness and promote overall health.
Regularly clean bathroom surfaces, including countertops, sinks, and toilets, to remove germs and prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria. Use a disinfectant to kill germs. Keep bathroom surfaces dry to reduce the risk of slipping and falling.
Moisture can create a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, leading to a variety of health problems.
Proper toilet habits
Practicing good toilet habits can help prevent the spread of infection. Always flush the toilet with the lid down to prevent airborne droplets from escaping, and wash your hands immediately afterwards. Wear safety slippers in communal showers to protect your feet from fungal infections...
Remember, public spaces, such as gyms or pool changing areas, are especially susceptible to fungal growth.
Maintain ventilation
Adequate ventilation is essential in bathrooms to reduce humidity and prevent mold growth. Make sure the bathroom has adequate ventilation, such as an exhaust fan or window.
Store personal belongings properly
Regularly clean bathroom surfaces to remove germs and prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria.
Keep personal items such as toothbrushes and razors in a dry, clean place. Cover toothbrushes or store them in a closed place to keep them out of airborne particles and pollution. Replace toothbrushes regularly, at least every 3-4 months.
Wash towels regularly
Towels and shower curtains can harbor bacteria and mold if not cleaned regularly. Make sure these items are washed and replaced regularly to maintain a sanitary environment.
Regular plumbing maintenance
Schedule regular plumbing maintenance to promptly address any leaks or blockages. Stagnant water can lead to mold growth and attract pests, according to the Times of India.
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