1. Art related games
Any form of art is great for kids. Illustration photo
Any form of art is great for kids because it is expressive. Painting, playing with clay… anything that involves touch uses a part of the brain that is not used when talking.
2. Memory enhancement games
Puzzles, cards and crosswords all help improve a child's memory skills. Illustration photo
Parents, take some time out of your day to play memory-enhancing games with your children. Puzzles, cards, and crosswords all help to improve a child’s memory skills. Adults ask questions and give them time to answer. If parents engage their children in memory-enhancing activities from an early age, they will learn better.
3. Similar picture game
According to Firstcry Parenting, this game ranks high in the recommended brain games for kids because it helps improve memory. The goal of the game is to find matching images based on your child’s memory. Your child will have to remember the exact location of the cards to reveal them. This game helps improve a child’s attention span and concentration.
4. Practice making crafts
Crafts will help children develop creativity. Illustration photo
Crafting will help children develop creativity, requiring imagination and skillful hands to make items.
5. Play with clay and rocks
The safe natural world is itself a foundation for holistic learning. Illustration photo
If parents can ensure that they provide a germ-free clay or mud environment, it opens up a wealth of learning opportunities for children.
The safe natural world is a rich learning environment in itself. When left to experience the elements, especially wet mud or clay, children are free to create, mold, and...
6. Maze Game
The maze game forces children to think carefully. Illustration photo
This simple game can be found in books, mobile apps, and even in some parks. The gameplay is simple, find your way to the exit. This has many benefits for children such as helping with hand-eye coordination as your child needs to trace the correct path.
It also improves problem-solving by forcing children to think carefully. If an approach fails, children adapt, remember, and find another viable route.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/6-tro-choi-tang-cuong-tri-thong-minh-cho-con-ma-cha-me-khong-nen-bo-qua-172240530171505467.htm
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