It is expected that 6 General Departments and equivalents from the 2 Ministries of Finance and Planning and Investment will be converted to Department level. Illustration photo: Hai Nguyen
According to Conclusion No. 121-KL/TW on summarizing Resolution 18 on continuing to innovate and reorganize the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance merged into the Ministry of Finance.
According to the Report of the Ministry of Home Affairs on the organizational structure of the Government for the 15th National Assembly, the Ministry of Finance (after the merger) basically inherits the functions and tasks currently assigned to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance and receives the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of the Vietnam Social Security; the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the owner's representative for 18 state-owned corporations and groups currently assigned to the State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises.
Recently, the Ministry of Finance has issued Document No. 1248/BTC-TCCB to the Ministry of Planning and Investment regarding coordination in developing functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of units under the Ministry of Finance (after merger).
Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance requested the Ministry of Planning and Investment to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance to develop a Project to reorganize the General Statistics Office into the Department of Statistics under the Ministry of Finance according to the direction in Official Dispatch No. 06/CV-BCĐTKNQ18 dated January 12, 2025 on supplementing and completing the plan to arrange and streamline the organizational apparatus of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and agencies under the Government.
The document also clearly states that the Ministry of Planning and Investment directs units under the Ministry to preside over or coordinate with units under the Ministry of Finance to develop a merger project and draft a Decision stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the units (after the merger), ensuring a minimum reduction rate of 15-20% (for units with organized departments).
According to the appendix on the assignment of the construction of the Merger Project; regulations on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the units under the Ministry of Finance (after the merger), these 2 Ministries will have 6 General Departments and equivalent will be converted to the Department level.
Of which, 5 General Departments (under the Ministry of Finance) were converted to Department level: State Treasury (retaining the same name); General Department of State Reserves became the State Reserves Department; General Department of Customs became the Customs Department; General Department of Taxation became the Tax Department; State Securities Commission (retaining the same name). There was 1 General Department (under the Ministry of Planning and Investment) converted to Department level: General Department of Statistics became the Statistics Department.
The two Ministries have also reviewed units with similar functions and tasks to merge them: Department of Organization and Personnel; Department of Legal Affairs; Inspectorate, Office. Along with that, the Department of Informatics and Financial Statistics (Ministry of Finance) and the Center for Information Technology and Digital Transformation (Ministry of Planning and Investment) merged into the Department of Information Technology and Digital Transformation.
Some independent units with professional expertise and specific characteristics of the two Ministries are retained.
Including Departments/Offices from the Ministry of Planning and Investment such as: Department of Bidding Management; Department of National Economic Synthesis; Department of Local and Territorial Economy; Department of Planning Management; Department of Infrastructure and Urban Development (renamed Department of Infrastructure Development).
Departments/Offices from the Ministry of Finance such as: Department of Tax, Fee and Charge Policy Management and Supervision; Department of Public Asset Management; Department of Insurance Management and Supervision; Department of Price Management; Department of Accounting and Auditing Management and Supervision; Department of Planning and Finance; Department of State Budget.
Along with that, some units with the task of interoperating and connecting the two Ministries were also reorganized and rearranged.
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