GĐXH - Some children's habits may seem annoying and naughty to parents, but they actually reveal the talents of an intelligent child.
If you notice your child has the following habits, don't rush to correct them, but carefully observe your child more, and from there find appropriate support.
1. Prefer to communicate with older people
Children with high EQ can communicate well with adults. Illustration photo
There are some children who, whenever they play with others, always like to play with people older than themselves.
Some parents may find their child's behavior strange and think they should spend more time with their peers.
But in fact, this phenomenon actually proves that children have high EQ, because not all children can communicate well with adults.
So, if your child is like that, you don't need to worry too much, because this could be proof that your child is very smart.
2. Don't like to take naps
Every child develops at a different pace. If your child sleeps well at night and has a regular routine, it's okay to skip a nap.
On the contrary, it is a sign of good health in children. It is not necessary to force children to take a nap. For children who are not used to taking a nap, forcing them will not be effective.
Instead, parents can adjust their child's routine based on their child's needs and habits.
For example, go to bed early and wake up early, increase outdoor activities to burn off excess energy, when tired, children will naturally no longer resist taking a nap.
3. Always question what your parents say
When children find their parents' words do not match their own perceptions, they always like to express and stick to their own views. Illustration photo
There are also children who give parents headaches, those are children who often like to "argue" with their parents and completely do not believe what they say.
When children find their parents' words do not match their own perceptions, they always like to express and stick to their own views.
The ancients called these children stubborn, but in fact this is just a sign that the child likes to think and have independent opinions.
Only when children are ready to think will they discover the problem in their parents' words. Although children may sometimes have wrong views and insist on holding on to them, due to limited perception, this is still a sign that the child has a high IQ.
As long as parents can give accurate reasons to explain their judgments, children will be able to correct their mistakes.
4. Hyperactive
Many children never seem to sit still, they run around the room, jump on the bed, on the sofa. This makes many parents feel worried.
But if you look at it from another angle, parents may feel more relieved. This hyperactivity is actually a need for the child's nervous system to develop.
Children learn about their bodies and the space around them through these activities.
Therefore, parents do not need to worry too much, instead create a safe environment for children to freely explore and exercise.
At the same time, parents can also guide their children to participate in sports activities, which not only help them burn off excess energy, improve their health, but also help them practice team spirit and discipline.
5. Rummage and take things apart
Children dismantle some household objects into pieces because they like to explore and discover unknown things. Illustration photo
Some parents feel very annoyed when their children are always rummaging through things, or dismantling some objects in the house into pieces, making us very worried.
But in fact, this type of behavior is a manifestation of children's love of exploring and discovering unknown things. It is also a typical characteristic of children with high IQ.
6. Cry a lot
Whether a girl or a boy, when they encounter sadness, fear, or resentment, crying is a way for children to express their emotions.
Children who cry a lot do not mean they are not brave, but they are capable of feeling emotions more strongly and sensitively than other children.
Parents should learn to accept their children's emotions, comfort them and support them. At the same time, parents can also teach children how to express their emotions in words, so that they can better regulate their emotions.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/6-thoi-quen-xau-o-tre-cha-me-dung-voi-sua-boi-do-la-dau-hieu-con-ban-co-iq-eq-cao-172241130185852163.htm
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