Photo illustration: Technology, Inc.
Today (August 28), 6 planets including Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn, will line up and light up the sky at night.
Saturn will be the first planet to appear in the sky on August 28. Next, Neptune will appear almost right next to it in the constellation Pisces.
Next, Saturn and Neptune will rise above the horizon, moving south. Uranus will also appear above the horizon, near the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation Taurus.
By midnight (US time), Jupiter will join the parade of planets. It will be visible to the naked eye in the constellation Taurus. Mars will soon be nearby.
At around 1am, the Moon will appear above the horizon. However, it will only be visible as a narrow crescent. Finally, Mercury will appear at dawn.
Experts say it will be difficult to see at this time, as Saturn and Neptune are already tilted towards the western horizon. You will also need a telescope, as most of the planets are invisible to the naked eye.
There is currently no information on whether this phenomenon can be observed in Vietnam, as it occurs during evening hours in the US.
Parade of 6 planets on August 28 (Photo:
According to Time , the name "6 planets aligned" may be confusing to many people, because the planets are not actually in a straight line. Instead, it is an optical illusion that creates this phenomenon.
Experts liken the moment to randomly placing six different people in six different locations in a field, then positioning yourself so that you can capture all of them on camera at the same time.
Conjunctions of 3 or 4 planets occur quite often. But if 5 or more planets are involved, it is extremely rare.
According to Universe , the next time the phenomenon of 6 planets aligning will occur is January 18, 2025. The event will include: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Venus.
Even more remarkable, the extremely rare event is when all the planets in the Solar System, including Earth, will be on the same side of the Sun. The event will take place on November 7, 2176.
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