Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942 - March 14, 2018) was a British theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author. He has made many contributions to world science. The Guardian called Stephen Hawking "the brightest star in modern cosmology".
He is the author of A Brief History of Time, one of the most popular science books of all time. Hawking's work spans a wide range of fields, from exploring the origins of the universe to exploring the possibilities of space travel to the mysteries behind black holes.
Before passing away in 2018, Stephen Hawking left behind many predictions about events that could happen to humanity in the future. Of these, 5 prophecies are considered by scientists to be the most terrifying.
Before his death, Stephen Hawking left behind many predictions about events that could happen to humanity in the future. (Photo: Live Science)
1. Ice Age 2032
According to Stephen Hawking, in 9 years, in 2032, the Earth will enter an ice age. The cause of this disaster is because the Earth is severely affected by climate change.
Stephen Hawking is not the only one who believes that climate change will “kill” the Earth. He also described a shocking scenario for our planet: “The worst case scenario for the Earth is that it will turn into a Venus-like body, with temperatures reaching 250 degrees Celsius and raining sulfuric acid.”
2. Humans leave Earth
Stephen Hawking believes that although scientists have not yet determined which planet is suitable for humans to live on, with the rapid development of science today we will soon find out. He predicts that by 2060, humans will leave Earth and go to live on another planet.
Explaining this prophecy, Stephen Hawking said that due to the excessive population growth, the Earth is running out of resources and energy. Humans have overused this planet. The living environment is shrinking, so humans are forced to move to other planets.
At a science and art festival in Norway in 2017, he warned that if humans do not find a new place to settle soon, we will face the risk of extinction. Humans may choose the Alpha Centauri star system, the closest to the solar system, as a place to live.
3. AI may destroy humans
Stephen Hawking does not believe in artificial intelligence (AI). As evidence, he has repeatedly emphasized the dangers of AI.
One of them is “We need to learn to prepare for the potential risks of AI. We cannot know whether artificial intelligence will help or destroy humans. Therefore, we need to be prepared for the worst case scenario."
Stephen Hawking believes the Earth will enter an ice age in nine years. (Photo: Live Science)
4. New Races Emerge
According to Professor Stephen Hawking, in 2100, humans will go deeper into the universe and a new race will appear. He is also one of the scientists who always believes that there is another life outside of Earth.
In 2015, he even launched a project to listen for aliens with the help of a high-powered computer. This project will use this computer to search for life in the universe.
5. The Earth will turn into a ball of fire
Along with his prophecies about the fate of mankind, Stephen Hawking also made predictions about the Earth. He said that the Earth could turn into a ball of fire in the year 2600. The cause of this disaster is due to excessive energy consumption, making the blue planet uninhabitable. After that, wars broke out everywhere, so the Earth turned into a terrifying ball of fire.
Quoc Thai (Source: Live Science)
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