The climate is starting to change to gradually move towards summer, causing the heart to work harder to maintain body temperature, prevent increased heart rate or cholesterol levels... Therefore, it is necessary to practice some healthy habits before breakfast to keep the heart healthy.
1. Drinking a glass of water before breakfast helps keep your heart healthy
Providing enough water is very important for cardiovascular health, maintaining blood in a liquid state and easy to circulate, thereby regulating blood pressure, protecting heart health. Therefore, each person should drink at least 1 cup (about 250ml) of warm water when starting the morning, helping the body have enough necessary fluid to start the body.
Drinking water before breakfast helps provide the necessary fluids for heart function.
2. Sunbathing
Sunbathing helps the body synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D has been found to have a direct effect on blood vessels and the heart, controlling blood pressure regulation, reducing arterial stiffness and inhibiting inflammation, helping the heart stay healthy. In addition, vitamin D deficiency can lead to high blood pressure, putting additional stress on the heart.
Therefore, to improve heart health, it is necessary to provide enough vitamin D for the body by sunbathing in the morning and consider supplementing vitamin D to help maintain heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
3. Don't check your phone as soon as you wake up
Checking your phone as soon as you wake up in the morning can cause you to be bombarded with information about work, deadlines, friends, and more, which can cause stress and anxiety.
This can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health, so incorporating meditation and deep breathing exercises into your morning routine is important to help you relax and reduce stress.
4. Exercise
Getting up and engaging in some physical activity each day is a great way to start your day, which is good for your heart. This is because exercise not only helps control weight but also strengthens your heart.
Reduced physical activity can be detrimental to overall health, especially affecting cardiovascular health. Furthermore, changes in weather cause the body's sympathetic nervous system to increase the secretion of catecholamines, leading to vasoconstriction, affecting blood flow to the heart.
However, by practicing exercises like cardio, yoga, walking or cycling, you can increase blood circulation in your body and improve your heart health.
5. Eat a healthy breakfast
Diet, including breakfast, is an important part of heart health. The best heart-healthy breakfast can include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. In addition, a healthy breakfast should limit saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels to promote heart health.
In addition, to have an energetic morning, you need to get enough sleep to help your body recover from the wear and tear that occurs during the day. Quality sleep is an essential part of cardiovascular health because it affects factors such as blood pressure and stress levels. Therefore, establishing a consistent sleep routine will help promote heart health.
Le My Giang
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