Fat that accumulates in the lower abdomen or around other organs is the most difficult type of fat to lose. Fat accumulation not only causes aesthetic loss but also easily causes other dangerous diseases.
Did you know that a proper diet can also help you lose fat very effectively?
Lemon juice can detoxify and reduce fat. (Photo: Pinterest)
Several studies have shown benefits of lemon water, such as detoxification and weight loss. Lemons are considered a weight loss food because the soluble fiber in lemons helps your stomach expand and keeps you feeling fuller for longer.
Drinking warm water with lemon helps you lose weight after eating, because lemon is rich in vitamin C and some beneficial plant compounds that can reduce bad cholesterol.
Lemon juice also helps the body increase its metabolism. In addition, lemon also has many other benefits in protecting human health such as supporting cardiovascular health, supporting digestion and reducing the risk of cancer.
Grapefruit juice
According to Dr. Ken Fujioka, who works at Scripps Hospital, San Diego and is the head of the research team, the effects of grapefruit on weight loss have become popular with people treating obesity for many years.
Grapefruit contains a lot of fiber, which helps you feel full longer. At the same time, grapefruit juice also helps digest food quickly, prevents fat accumulation and reduces the risk of overweight and obesity.
Grapefruit is a very low-calorie fruit. Combined with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, grapefruit juice can help you lose weight effectively.
Papaya smoothie
Drinking papaya smoothies helps you lose weight because of its low calorie content. (Photo: Pinterest)
The reason drinking papaya smoothies helps you lose weight is because of its low calorie content. 100g of ripe papaya has only 39 calories and contains a lot of water. Thanks to that, papaya helps you feel full quickly and does not consume more calories. Moreover, the fiber in papaya also helps you feel full and reduces the risk of overeating.
In addition, studies have also shown that papaya contains an enzyme called papain. This enzyme has the ability to promote weight loss and burn fat. Therefore, papaya is a great food that can support your weight loss goals.
Fresh coconut water
Coconut water is high in minerals, low in calories and sugar than other fruit juices, making it a great weight loss drink. A cup of coconut water contains only about 46 calories and a large amount of healthy nutrients including fiber, potassium, protein and vitamin C.
Furthermore, coconut water helps support cholesterol reduction by converting bad cholesterol into bile acids, which are then excreted, thereby minimizing the risk of arterial blockage.
Tomato juice
Tomatoes are great for weight loss. (Photo: Pinterest)
Tomatoes are juicy, low in calories, rich in fiber and especially high in vitamins A, B6, C, B1, B2... They are very suitable for you to add to your weight loss menu.
A 200g tomato contains only about 30 calories, lots of vitamins and lots of water. Tomatoes have the ability to absorb fat and contain a lot of fiber, which is very good for absorbing excess fat in the intestines, pushing fat and toxins out of the body. Therefore, it also helps you lose belly fat effectively.
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