Master, Doctor Nguyen Van Tien, National Institute of Nutrition said that Omega-3 is a group of fatty acids. Of which, DHA and EPA participate in the formation of brain structure and function. ALA is an Omega-3 fat that is no less valuable than DHA and EPA.
When entering the body, ALA will be converted into DHA and EPA as needed, helping to provide energy and is a raw material for building brain structure, protecting the brain, and increasing neurotransmitters.
Omega-3 is not only good for the skin, helps sleep better, helps the brain develop but also has the effect of reducing the risk of cancer, reducing blood fat in the liver. Supplementing Omega-3 for the body is necessary.
Omega-3 has two sources: plant and animal. However, Omega-3 is not stored and must be supplemented daily through food. Adding fish is necessary to increase Omega-3 to help have a healthy body.
Adding fish is essential to help increase Omega-3 to help keep your body healthy.
Doctor Tien recommends the following 5 types of fish rich in Omega-3 that you should supplement regularly:
- Mackerel: Usually smoked and filleted whole for breakfast in Western countries. Mackerel is very rich in nutrients, a 100g piece of mackerel provides up to 200% of vitamin B12 and 100% of selenium needed for a day. In addition, mackerel also contains a lot of Omega-3, 100g of mackerel contains 5,134 mg of Omega-3.
- Salmon: Contains high protein content and many nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, selenium, vitamin B. 100g of salmon contains 2,260mg of Omega-3. Studies show that people who regularly eat salmon will reduce the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, dementia or depression.
- Herring: Usually pickled or processed, then canned and sold as a snack. 100g of herring contains 1,729mg of Omega-3.
- Sardines: Sardines are very nutritious, containing nutrients such as vitamin B12, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, protein, vitamin D. 100g of sardines contain 1,480mg of Omega-3.
- Anchovies: Small fish, they are often dried and canned. Anchovies are rich in calcium, vitamin B3 and selenium. 100g of anchovies contain 2,113 mg of Omega-3.
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