When stressed, the adrenal glands secrete stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which help the body respond to danger by increasing energy and alertness. The heart rate increases and breathing becomes faster to provide oxygen to the body, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
Excessive stress can cause tinnitus and blurred vision.
These are completely normal reactions. However, if stress persists, the body will show the following strange signs:
Eye twitching
The hormone cortisol stimulates our entire nervous system. In some cases, high levels of stress can affect our muscles. The eyelid muscles are small and weak, so they are easily affected, leading to involuntary twitching.
Bruises of unknown origin
Unexplained bruises all over the body can be a sign that cortisol levels are too high. Experts say high cortisol levels weaken the structural proteins in the skin, making it thinner and more prone to bruising.
Too much cortisol in the body can disrupt the balance of salt and water, causing water retention and bloating. People who are chronically stressed are also more likely to overeat, which can also contribute to bloating.
Loss of vision
High levels of cortisol negatively impact vision. When this hormone spikes, it disrupts blood flow from the eyes to the brain, causing vision problems such as blurred vision. Additionally, high levels of cortisol increase pressure inside the eye, which over time can increase the risk of glaucoma.
Excessive stress can also affect blood circulation, nerve function, leading to inflammation and disorders of the auditory system. The result is tinnitus, which causes the sufferer to hear sounds like ringing, buzzing or whistling.
Getting enough sleep, eating right, and exercising regularly can help reduce stress. People who are stressed should also increase their social connections with quality relationships, such as friends, family, or people they trust to share their feelings. If stress persists or is having a significant impact on their lives, see a therapist or psychiatrist, Healthline.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/5-dau-hieu-ky-la-canh-bao-tam-ly-dang-bi-cang-thang-qua-muc-185250126152311037.htm
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