GĐXH - These zodiac signs hate being slippery and hypocritical, they only like to speak frankly.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer is the zodiac sign that tops the list for loyalty, which means nothing can make them lie when you're expecting the truth from Cancer.
And even if you don't ask, Cancer will still tell you what they think you need to know. They're perceptive and sensitive enough to know that.
You may be shocked and hurt when you hear the truth, but rest assured that Cancer will be there to support you and be ready to listen to you pour out your heart.
Aries is very straightforward in communication. Illustration photo
Aries - Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries really doesn't see the value in making things up, this sign is willing to send a blunt message regardless of how much it might hurt your feelings without having to second guess.
Aries zodiac signs are very straightforward in their approach with an attitude of: "I don't care".
This makes Aries a great friend if you are looking for a lasting friendship.
However, you should not be the one to get angry easily, because you will need to prepare for what you may have to hear.
For example, if you're wondering whether an outfit suits you, an Aries will tell you exactly what he or she thinks, not shying away from the truth just to please you.
Capricorn - Capricornus (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorns hate lying, and when they have to lie, it's a very difficult thing to do. It takes them so long to lie. Why does it take them so long?
That's because first, they have to make the decision to lie, which is a mental battle that goes on constantly in their heads.
Then they have to come up with something that is at least somewhat believable, so that when the lie comes out of their mouths, it is obvious to everyone that they are lying.
Because they don't want to lose their reputation, lying is difficult for this constellation. They know how important reputation is. This constellation mostly only lies in cases of necessity.
Capricorns hate lying, and when they are forced to lie, it is very difficult. Illustration photo
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Because they want to enjoy life to the fullest, Sagittarius does not let lies bind them. That is also the reason why they say what they mean, extremely straightforward and honest.
A free-spirited Sagittarius has no time for a beautiful fairy tale. They will tell you exactly what they want and how things are going.
They appreciate efficiency in everything they do, going straight to the point without having to think about what to say.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libras are known for being well-balanced, including telling the truth. They are the measure of justice, so honesty is a big part of what they idealize in their perfectly balanced world.
Their desire to please everyone is also the reason why they try their best to maintain a level of honesty with everyone around them to keep peace and harmony.
Even if a loved one does something wrong, Libra will not stand up to defend them. Instead, they will tap into their analytical side and help this person look at their life honestly and unbiasedly.
However, Libras are easily influenced by others, which means that their scales can tip in favor of whoever they feel they are being persuaded to do so. Don't be surprised if you find them soliciting the opinions of the entire world before making a decision.
* Information in the article is for reference only.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/5-cung-hoang-dao-that-tha-nhat-172241230172123179.htm
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