Tet is a time when we tend to eat a lot of sweets and high-calorie foods. All of these foods increase blood sugar. For diabetics, increased blood sugar can affect many body functions.
Increased blood sugar can easily lead to vision problems, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetic neuropathy. Therefore, diabetics need to take appropriate measures to control their blood sugar during Tet, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
Brown rice and oats are whole grains that are very effective in controlling blood sugar.
These measures include:
Portion control
Dishes such as banh tet, banh chung, xoi, various types of sweet soups, and jams all contain a lot of sugar and white starch. Eating these foods will increase blood sugar. People with diabetes should limit these foods.
However, this does not mean that they should abstain completely, but instead should be selective and eat reasonably. For example, they can eat banh tet but eat the green bean filling without sugar and reduce the sticky rice.
Prioritize eating whole grains
Diabetics should prioritize eating whole grains such as brown rice, oats or quinoa. These are healthy foods that help control blood sugar very well.
Eat more fiber
One thing that is very helpful for people with diabetes is to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and legumes. These foods are rich in fiber. Fiber slows down the digestion and absorption of sugar in the intestines, thereby helping to prevent blood sugar spikes.
Stay active
Staying active is important for blood sugar control. When you exercise, your body burns more calories, your muscles use more glucose, and your insulin sensitivity improves. All of this helps keep your blood sugar in check.
Exercise is not just about going to the gym; housework, gardening, or walking the dog are all considered exercise. Even a 15- to 20-minute walk after a meal can help stabilize blood sugar.
Drink enough water
Drinking enough water is extremely important to help control blood sugar. Therefore, experts recommend that people with diabetes should drink water regularly throughout the day. In particular, they need to limit sugary drinks such as soda or fruit juice, according to Healthline.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/5-cach-giup-kiem-soat-duong-huyet-trong-nhung-ngay-tet-185250117125804864.htm
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