GĐXH - To prevent stomach ulcers, you should increase the amount of soft cooked foods to reduce pressure on the stomach. At the same time, limit stir-frying and frying, and eat light boiled and steamed dishes. You should eat slowly and chew thoroughly to
How does food affect gastric ulcers?
The food and drinks you consume every day greatly affect your stomach health. Especially if you have stomach problems, what you eat will determine whether your stomach becomes stronger or weaker.
According to medical experts, food does not usually cause gastritis, but while some foods can irritate the stomach lining and aggravate the condition, some foods can soothe it.
By limiting your intake of certain foods, you can ease your symptoms, while other anti-inflammatory foods can help you treat the problem naturally.
4 food groups help prevent stomach ulcers effectively
Soft food
Soft, well-cooked foods made from rice, cereals combined with lean proteins such as lean pork, lean beef, skinless poultry, fish, eggs, etc. are very nutritious, easy to digest, and have the effect of covering the mucosa and increasing resistance for the gastrointestinal mucosa, helping to promote the healing process of ulcers.
Food should be prepared in the form of porridge, soup, stews such as: pork porridge, beef porridge, chicken soup, vegetable stew...
Foods rich in fiber
Studies have shown that a diet rich in fiber reduces the risk of stomach ulcers by reducing stomach acid. Patients should choose foods rich in fiber such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
Oats and whole grain breads are a good source of healthy fiber, which is well absorbed in the stomach, helping to improve the condition and reduce acid reflux into the esophagus.
Probiotic foods
Foods containing probiotics (microorganisms that benefit the digestive tract) may speed wound healing by preventing HP bacteria from attaching to the stomach lining.
Yogurt or some fermented milk products such as kefir are very good for digestive health, providing beneficial bacteria for the intestines, creating conditions for good absorption of nutrients while avoiding indigestion and bloating caused by stomach diseases.
Foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants
Plant-based foods such as vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help boost immunity, reduce inflammation, and improve vitamin and mineral deficiencies due to poor digestion and absorption in people with stomach problems.
Patients should increase foods containing antioxidants such as: berries, cocoa, herbs, beans, artichokes, apples, nuts, cherries, dark green leafy vegetables, coffee, tea, whole grains, grapes, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, avocados, pomegranates...
Limit or avoid citrus fruits as they are often high in acid which can irritate gastroesophageal reflux.
How to prevent stomach ulcers
Changing your living, working and eating habits will help you reduce the risk of gastritis effectively:
- Do not drink more than two alcoholic beverages per day.
- Get into the habit of washing your hands thoroughly with soap to help clean bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.
- Use thoroughly cooked food.
- Give up smoking and drinking. Instead, build a scientific diet with fruits, vegetables, and grains for a healthy digestive system and to prevent disease.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/4-thuc-pham-giup-phong-ngua-viem-loet-da-day-hieu-qua-nguoi-viet-nen-an-de-phong-benh-172250228123608773.htm
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