GĐXH - These are the zodiac signs that easily fall into a love that is less sweet and more bitter.
Aries - Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The Aries zodiac sign exudes qualities associated with natural leadership, such as boldness, courage, confidence, and resourcefulness.
They are a sign that lives strong, brave and courageous to the point that they believe they are capable of achieving anything they set their sights on.
When they find someone who doesn't reciprocate their love, it makes them feel guilty for a short time, sometimes even questioning themselves why the person doesn't reciprocate.
Sheep have the mistaken belief that as long as they keep trying and show enough love, the other person will eventually love them, but that's not the case, don't hold on to what doesn't belong to you, it will only add to your suffering.
When Aries finds someone who doesn't reciprocate their love, it leaves them feeling depressed for a short time. Illustration photo
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus is famous for being strong and individualistic, but in love they are extremely shy.
Even though Taurus loves someone with all his heart, he still cannot muster up the courage to say the words of love.
The cold exterior that is completely different from the weak interior is the most remarkable thing about Taurus.
When in love with someone, Taurus is willing to do everything to have a chance to be close to that person but the confession is forever unsaid.
Making him wait so long makes you lose your chance. You only act like you see him as a friend, a confidant, not a lover.
No one can compare to your sincerity. You sacrifice everything and do everything for the person you love. It's just a pity that if you don't confess, it will only be a one-sided love, watching someone else be happy.
Pisces - Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
As the most sensitive person in the world and extremely dreamy, Pisces easily creates illusions for themselves about a perfect love.
That's why they are easily mistaken about the other person's feelings. When they fall in love, they discover that they are actually in unrequited love, but it's too late.
For Pisces to love someone, they don't need too many reasons, just making them moved is enough.
Because they are people who let their hearts lead the way, when they are immersed in love, everything to them is just ephemeral.
Every gesture, every look from the other person, intentionally or unintentionally, can make them think and torment all day.
Even when the other person rejects Pisces or acts cold and distant towards them, Pisces still does not give up hope but carries a vague belief within themselves.
It is because of this dreaminess that they will be deeply hurt when faced with the cruel truth.
For Pisces to love someone, they don't need too many reasons, just making them moved is enough. Illustration photo
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Although Virgos are normally quite sober and rational, when it comes to love, they are truly fools.
When in love with someone, Virgo is willing to do many things for the other person without expecting anything in return.
Even though they know clearly that person doesn't love them, they still rush into that blazing fire like a moth, not caring that they might get hurt a lot.
Even though being ignored, even though being hurt by the other person's harsh words, Virgo still finds it hard to let go.
Because it's really hard for Virgos to truly like someone. They can be moved or impressed by someone, but falling into the feeling called "love" is not much.
And once they fall in love, love is like a raging wave, sweeping away all their sanity and self-control.
No matter what the other person does, no matter how much their heart is crushed, they still silently watch. Because for them, as long as that person is happy, that's enough.
* Information in the article is for reference only.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/4-cung-hoang-dao-hay-yeu-don-phuong-172250107101159038.htm
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