Ms. Pham Thu Huong ranked 3rd on the list of richest people on the Vietnamese stock exchange in 2013, and is also the richest woman on the stock exchange.
Ms. Pham Thu Huong, born in 1969, is currently Vice Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Vingroup Corporation - JSC (stock code VIC).
She is also the wife of Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong, who is currently holding the top position in the Top richest people on the Vietnamese stock market in 2013, who has held this position for 3 consecutive years since 2011 and has just been honored by Forbes Magazine as one of the best new billionaires in 2012.
As of now, Ms. Pham Thu Huong owns 5.29% of VIC's capital with a volume of shares reaching more than 49 million units. The value of the assets that Ms. Huong owns is 3,117 billion VND.
Vingroup is a multi-industry corporation with four main areas: real estate business, entertainment tourism, beauty and health care, and quality medical services.
Ms. Pham Thuy Hang, Vice Chairwoman of Board of Directors of Vingroup Corporation - JSC
Ms. Pham Thuy Hang ranks 5th in the list of richest people on the Vietnamese stock exchange.
Born in 1974, Ms. Pham Thuy Hang is currently the Vice Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Vingroup Corporation - JSC. She is the younger sister of Ms. Pham Thu Huong - the richest woman on the Vietnamese stock market to date.
Not showing any inferiority to her sister, with nearly 32.8 million VIC shares owned, equivalent to 3.53% of Vingroup's charter capital, this 39-year-old woman currently has 2,081 billion VND in her hands.
Ms. Nguyen Hoang Yen - Deputy General Director of Masan Consumer
Ms. Nguyen Hoang Yen, born in 1963, is the wife of Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ma San Group Corporation (stock code MSN).
Ms. Yen herself is holding many important positions in one of the corporations with the largest market capitalization in Vietnam's stock market.
Accordingly, she is a member of the Board of Directors of Ma San, a member of the Board of Directors of Masan Consumer Corporation (Masan Consumer - MSF) and also the deputy general director of this company.
With an estimated asset volume of 21.8 million MSN shares, equivalent to 3.17% of Masan's capital, the asset volume of the 3rd richest woman on the Vietnamese stock market is up to 1,982 as of now, behind Ms. Pham Thuy Hang.
In addition, as of the end of 2012, Ms. Yen also owned nearly 7 million TCB shares of Techcombank. However, because this bank is not listed, it is impossible to estimate the amount of assets Ms. Yen holds here.
Recently, Ms. Nguyen Hoang Yen was also on the list of members submitted for election to the new Board of Directors of Vinacafe Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (stock code: VCF).
According to
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