According to Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duy Ton, Director of the Stroke Center, Bach Mai Hospital, Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest stroke rate in the world with about 200,000 people suffering each year. In recent years, thanks to effective communication, the rate of people with strokes going to the hospital early has increased by about 20% but is still low compared to the world.
Here are 3 things to avoid and 6 things to do for patients showing signs of stroke.
3 things to avoid with stroke patients
In case of suspected stroke, people need to remember the following 3 taboos.
Do not give medicine to patients without permission.
Do not give the patient aspirin (which thins the blood), An cung nguu hoang (which has anticoagulant properties) or any other medication. Blood clots are just one of the many causes of stroke. Strokes can also be caused by a ruptured blood vessel in the brain, so taking medication without permission can be dangerous.
When you do not know what type of stroke your loved one has, absolutely do not give them medicine. There have been many unfortunate situations when relatives gave patients An Cung Ngưu Hoàng pills.
Do not give the patient anything to eat or drink.
Avoid giving food or drink to someone who has had a stroke, as they are often unconscious and may have trouble swallowing. Giving food or drink can cause choking, which can lead to respiratory failure and pneumonia.
Do not let patients drive themselves to the hospital.
Stroke symptoms are difficult to recognize at first. The patient may realize that something is wrong but not suspect a stroke. If you think the patient is having a stroke, do not let them drive themselves to the hospital. Call 115 and wait for help.
Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duy Ton checks the health of a stroke patient. (Photo: The Anh)
6 things to do with a stroke patient
When you detect signs of a stroke, you need to:
Call an ambulance immediately
Calling 115 is the smartest choice when your loved one has a stroke. A 115 ambulance will take the patient to a location that can perform the most standard and fastest stroke emergency techniques. They can help save the patient's life on the way to the hospital and reduce the effects of the stroke.
Must say "stroke" to emergency 115
When you call 115 and ask for help, inform the operator that you suspect the patient is having a stroke. The 115 emergency staff will prepare appropriate medical equipment and select a hospital specializing in stroke treatment before they transfer the patient.
Monitor symptoms and talk to the patient
Your loved one may not be able to communicate at the hospital. So, while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, ask the patient for as much information as possible. Ask about all the medications the patient is taking, health conditions, allergies, etc.
You need to record all information including: Time of stroke, patient's medical history such as high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes... This information is very useful when the doctor takes a medical history.
Encourage the patient to lie down.
If the person is sitting or standing, encourage them to lie on their side with their head elevated. To keep them comfortable, loosen their clothing. This position helps increase blood flow to the brain. However, if the person falls, do not attempt to move them.
Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Some people may lose consciousness during a stroke. If this happens, assess their breathing to see if they are breathing. If you cannot find a pulse, begin CPR.
Be calm
Another important thing when someone has a stroke is to try to stay calm while waiting for the 115 ambulance to arrive.
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