Desk jobs are common in many industries. People who work in these jobs often have to sit for long hours at a time. This can lead to a variety of spinal problems, from chronic back pain to herniated discs to sciatica.
For many people who work at a desk, shoulder and lower back pain has become familiar. This makes it easy for many people to ignore and cause the pain to last longer. Some adjustments can help reduce pain and take better care of the health of the spine, according to the health website Livestrong (USA).
Incorrect sitting posture at work can easily cause neck and shoulder pain.
Sit properly
One of the most important factors in maintaining spinal health when working at a desk job is sitting in the right posture. Poor sitting posture will lead to pain running along the spine. If left unchanged, this pain will become chronic and increase the risk of spinal-related diseases.
The correct sitting posture when working at a desk is to sit up straight, keep your shoulders relaxed, and your neck not leaning too far forward. Your buttocks and lower back should touch the back of the chair. This posture will help the back of the chair support your spine better.
Your feet should be flat on the floor, with your knees at right angles. If your chair is too high, use something to prop your feet up. Your monitor should be at eye level. If your monitor is too low, many people tend to tilt their heads forward or hunch over. This position will strain the cervical and mid-back vertebrae, causing pain in the neck, shoulders, and back.
Exercise regularly
The human body is designed for movement. Therefore, sitting for long periods of time can cause discomfort, stiffness in the spine and joints, reduced flexibility, and fatigue.
Experts recommend that people who do sedentary jobs should exercise regularly. On average, after 30-40 minutes of sitting, you should spend about 2-3 minutes standing up and walking around. Stretching and rotating the spine are also very effective in reducing stiffness and back pain.
Apply on-the-spot exercises
These are exercises that people can do on the spot without having to go anywhere. For the cervical spine, people should sit up straight and gently pull their chin towards their chest and hold this position for 5-10 seconds.
For the middle and lower back, the practitioner should stand up, place their hands on the lower back and gently lean back, holding for 5-10 seconds. This movement will help stretch the back very effectively, according to Livestrong .
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