Kon Tum Haunted by the death of two people who suffocated in a car that fell into the Lo Xo pass abyss, for over 10 years, Mr. Dinh Van Hoang has always tried to get to the scene as soon as possible to rescue them.
Lo Xo Pass is part of National Highway 14, 37 km long, passing through Dak Glei District (Kon Tum) and Phuoc Son District (Quang Nam). The steep, dangerous road with many deep ravines and high mountains has become a nightmare for drivers.
Mr. Dinh Van Hoang during a rescue mission on Lo Xo Pass. Photo: Ngoc Oanh
One late night in early 2009, Mr. Hoang, 37 years old, suddenly received a call from his sister who was on medical duty at the top of Lo Xo Pass informing him that there had just been a serious accident (a truck carrying noodles crashed into the double bridge of Dak Man commune) about 3 km from where he lived.
Having had an appendectomy a week ago, Mr. Hoang did not hesitate, quickly grabbed a machete and flashlight and rode his motorbike to the scene. In his mind, he always prayed that things were not like the description on his sister's phone.
When they arrived, there were already many police and people there. About 100 meters below the cliff, the front of the truck was crushed, tons of flour buried the cabin. Mr. Hoang quickly approached and worked with everyone to clear the pile of agricultural products out of the cockpit. About 30 minutes later, the driver and the assistant were brought out, but they died of suffocation.
"At that time, I was exhausted, but I still tried to carry the bodies up the road," Hoang recalled, saying that the scene always tormented him, "If I had arrived at the scene earlier, maybe things would have been different." And this is also the reason that motivated him to participate in the rescue on Lo Xo Pass for the past 14 years.
The name Hoang Lo Xo gradually became known to everyone. His repair shop on the top of the pass is a few dozen meters from the traffic police station, so when an accident occurs, he is always informed and participates in the rescue. Sometimes, drivers also notify him when they have an accident. "My phone is never turned off. No matter how big or small the accident is, I try to be there as soon as possible," he said.
Lo Xo Pass rescue team helps to get people trapped in the cabin out. Photo: Ngoc Oanh
Having witnessed and responded to many tragic accidents, he said the most haunting was the case of a passenger bus carrying 31 people plunging into a ravine in 2015. When he arrived at the scene at 11am, he saw the passenger bus lying in a ravine more than 80m deep, the front of the car stuck to a tree and completely destroyed.
The passengers in the car were panicking, many covered in blood, and kept calling for help. He approached, used a hammer to break the car windows, and together with the authorities, took them out one by one. He carried the seriously injured onto the road. The rescue lasted nearly 3 hours, one passenger died, and the seriously injured were all given timely first aid.
"I don't know what motivated me to be stronger, I don't feel tired. I carry one person and then another, I climb up the cliff easily," Mr. Hoang said. He said that every time he comes home in smelly, bloody clothes, his wife advises him not to "carry the whole family in jail", but every time he hears about an accident, he can't help but run to the scene.
With many years of experience in rescue, he said he must not be hasty. Even if there are people trapped in the car, he must only stand outside and try to get each victim out, because if he rushes in, it will cause more pain to the injured person in the car. At the same time, when rescuing, he must bring all the necessary tools.
Seeing the meaningful work of Mr. Hoang, in 2017, Mr. Ngo Quang Quyet joined and established the SOS Lo Xo Pass Team, with 8 members (26-40 years old), all working as auto mechanics, electricians, and small traders on the top or at the foot of the pass. To date, the Facebook group has 12,000 members, most of whom are drivers and local residents.
The team's motto is to arrive at the scene as quickly as possible to rescue people in distress on the pass. The team also uses social media to warn about landslides, traffic jams, dangerous black spots on the pass... The Lo Xo Pass SOS team's phone number is always printed on cliffs and railings for people to contact in case of an incident.
SOS Pass Lo Xo Team coordinated with authorities to rescue the accident victims and collect goods from the accident in February 2023. Video: Ngoc Oanh
According to the group's rules, whenever they hear about an accident on the pass, whoever is closest to the scene will arrive first to help the authorities take the victim to the emergency room and collect the goods. "If I arrive one second faster, the victim's chance of survival will be higher, and they will also suffer less pain," said a member of the team.
Recently in February, a family of four was traveling in a car when a truck driving in the opposite direction ran over them. After more than 30 minutes of cutting the roof, the team was able to get the four victims out. However, the father and son in the car died. The mother and son were saved. "At first, I was scared, but when I saw the team members rushing into the scene to save people, I was less scared and joined in," said Ho Dac Dien (29 years old, auto electrical repairman).
Recognizing the team's meaningful activities, a business donated some traffic rescue equipment such as walkie-talkies, warning sticks, signs, reflective raincoats, car winch cables, towing cables, first aid kits, hydraulic pliers, air compressors, etc.
In addition to rescue, the team also mobilized benefactors to donate gifts, clothes, and necessities to poor households, adopted many orphans, and built 3 suspension bridges in the district. Every time there is a storm or flood, the team also goes to landslide areas to help people clear mud and clear roads...
Dak Glei District has many Certificates of Merit to honor and encourage members for their achievements in rescue and relief on Lo Xo Pass. In 2020, the team was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Chairman of Kon Tum Provincial People's Committee for their outstanding achievements in implementing the campaign "Studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle".
Tran Hoa
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