We respectfully invite readers to watch the Online Discussion with the topic "Green transformation - intangible values ​​of enterprises" on vietnamnet.vn at 10:00 on December 5, 2024.

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2 speakers - guests: Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh and Mr. Pham Trung Thanh

At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), Vietnam made strong commitments to respond to climate change, aiming for "0" emissions - Net Zero by 2050. Since then, the Government has taken drastic and strong steps to accelerate the energy transition (green transition), building a green economy towards sustainable development.

Achieving the Net Zero emissions target by 2050 opens up many opportunities but is also not an easy journey for a developing country like Vietnam, especially businesses.

According to the results of a recent survey conducted by the Private Economic Development Research Board with 2,734 enterprises, 64% of units have not prepared for green transformation and therefore, have missed a long step in the race for market share, especially international market share.

Meanwhile, many businesses have quickly shifted their priorities to green, clean, low-emission production, responsible business practices, and sustainable development. Thanks to that, they quickly seized the opportunity to create environmentally friendly products, meeting the trend of smart and sustainable consumption, thereby confidently dominating the market.

In the Net Zero race, a business's readiness for green transformation and ability to overcome difficulties will determine its value.

So how are businesses creating this value in the journey of green economic development in Vietnam? What difficulties are they facing in the green transformation? And what support do they need to adapt and achieve success?

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Participating in the seminar "Green transformation - the invisible values ​​of enterprises", experts will exchange and discuss the current status of green transformation of enterprises, along with the support needed for enterprises to overcome difficulties and gradually meet the "green standards" of the market.

Sharing at this discussion is Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh - Vice President of the Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), Chairman of the Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development. As an influential pioneer in the field of sustainable business development in Vietnam, with more than 30 years of experience, "sponsoring" many sustainable development initiatives, Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh will have in-depth discussions on the operation and development of the market in the global "greening" trend. VCCI representatives will also analyze the great value that the green transformation journey brings to businesses.

Also discussing at this seminar is Mr. Pham Trung Thanh - Head of External Relations Department of Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company, who will present many useful contributions to help businesses find ways to manage businesses, operate production and distribution in a green economy.

Participating in the discussion, with sharing from a business perspective, Acecook Vietnam representative will also present experiences, strategies, as well as research and production and business practices to overcome the challenges posed by green transformation.
