The United States Dollar, coded USD, is the official currency of the United States. The issuance of money is managed by the Federal Reserve Bank system. The most common symbol for this unit is $.
The US dollar is one of the most widely used currencies in the world. Several countries use the US dollar as their official currency.
How much is 1,000 USD in Vietnamese currency?
Based on the USD/VND exchange rate on March 15, 2024 of the State Bank, 1 USD = 23,979 VND then 1,000 USD = 23,979,000 VND
How to check USD/VND exchange rate
The USD is widely used globally, in many import-export transactions, foreign exchange investments... so the need to check and update exchange rates is very large. There are some simple ways to help users grasp the latest exchange rates, which are:
- Update exchange rates on the website of the State Bank of Vietnam: SBV announces the official USD/VND exchange rate daily.
- Commercial banks' websites: Commercial banks often publish the USD to VND exchange rate on their websites. Customers can visit the commercial banks' websites to see the latest exchange rates.
- Currency conversion and currency conversion apps installed on the phone also update the USD/VND exchange rate.
There are many sources of USD exchange services on the market, but not all of them are reliable. The most reputable and safest place to exchange USD and other foreign currencies is at commercial banks.
Customers only need to bring their identification documents to any bank branch to exchange USD. Unlike other foreign currencies, USD is widely traded so it can be exchanged at any bank.
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